where cow science meets cow sense
Bred for Balance
If you Google the word BALANCE, a definition likely to surface is: "a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions." This correctly summarizes the philosophy behind "Bred for Balance" as we are striving to breed steedstock with genetic and phenotypic traits in the correct proportion. This breeding goal is difficult as there are several antagonistic traits needing to be blended and balanced. The following are just a few examples:
Calving ease/low birthweight vs. growth/pay weight
High growth/increased mature size vs. Cow herd maintenance costs
High maternal milk vs. Cow fertility/rebreeding
High marbling vs. Yield grade/back fat
Paper traits vs. Eye appeal trait
Striving to honestly recognize and produce seedstock with respect for these antagonisms is of paramount importance to us. Selecting for excellence in one trait without acknowledging its effect on the total genetic and subsequent economic profile is a mistake we have repeated too many times in the past century. Seedstock bred to excel in a multitude of traits give purebred and commercial beef producers the best opportunity for profit.
This sale offering represents generations of pedigrees selected for genetic excellence as well as disposition, hoof quality/structure and fertility. Honest weights in contemporary groups, ultrasound and complete genomic testing drive one of the most accurate and dependable genetic profiles from which you can select your seedstock. We welcome your inquiries and look forward to showing you the results of our "Bred for Balance" program in February.
Where Cow Science Meets Cow Sense
We have ramped up our effort to provide higher accuracy, profitable SimGenetics for the beef industry:
1. Our seedstock nucleus represents one of the few herds in the 17 million head IGS data base to be totally parent verified, genomically tested and has been genomically testing entire calf crops for over 5 years.
2. Careful attention to contemporary groups and data collection integrity as this is the engine that drives accurate genetic predictors.
3. Embryo transfer of superior donors, carcass testing young sires, yearling ultrasound data on both bulls and heifers as well as a host of phenotypic selection scores further improve the quality and accuracy of the genetics produced.
We invite you to come and view the bulls currently on performance test at Wulf’s bull development facility anytime before our Feb. 8th Sale. Also, make plans to be with us the evening of Feb. 7th for good food, fellowship and a thought provoking seminar “Where cow science meets cow sense”. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
- Blessings, Tom Hook